Wednesday, January 21, 2009


well guys...i cant sleep as usual...ok,juz now i saw a star then i realize bout 2009 zodiac or astrology er....wtv...hahahahah...a bit xaxau ler...ok...well guys i was born in july so my signs of zodiac are CANCER...n juz now im surfing bout my 2009 ramalan....actly,bkn utk percaye sgt but juz for suke2...bcoZ sumtime ape yg dramalkan was happened rytE???so???its all up to u to believe it or not...but to me...sumtime ok n sometime erghh...mengarut!!!

let me share with u guys bout CANCeR!!!  (for 2009)

(the most complex zodiac sign)


As we enter the Golden Age of Aquarius, you are ready to receive all the blessings that are there for you, especially in the areas of
communications and relationships. 

Being understood and getting the responses you desire helps you believe in your ability to succeed and reach your highest potential. Your focus is excellent, and you know what you want. Use this to your advantage when working with others, but don't demand that they see your ideas as visionary -- even if you do. As ideas start flowing freely to you, make sure you articulate your insights clearly.

This year, you will be
strongly motivated by transformation, especially in romantic unions. When balanced in your heart and mind, you easily express your emotions and are quick to support others. It is important for you to have a partner who is willing to explore different ways of doing things. You will experience many changes as you learn new ways of expressing yourself.

As you make this shift, avoid putting restrictions on yourself and stopping the flow. You are learning to behave in a new positive way, not worrying about the outcome. This will curb your need to control situations and enable you to take your relationships -- work and personal -- to a higher level of consciousness.


In order to
attract a partner who is able to reflect your deeper self, make a conscious decision to build your relationships slowly carefully. This will help you cultivate a higher sense of enjoyment in your life. Let the lightness of music and dance help you get in touch with your playful nature -- which will make you even more attractive!

As you nurture your optimism, you're likely to attract a partner who is connected to that bright side of you. As the relationship moves to a higher vibration, it will be easy to be warm and affectionate with each other, creating a positive flow. 

Come springtime, you may experience some confusion about
committing to a close relationship. As you deal with the fears that come up, listen to your heart in order to make the best decision. If you can only see what’s not working in your relationship, try and locate your stuck emotions, and then resolve them by seeing things from a different point of view.


This year, use your inventive mind and strong
intuitive powers to help make some necessary changes in your career. It's time to create harmony with things that haven’t quite reached your expectations, letting go of what you think are mistakes, and realizing that these are all stepping stones toward success. As you align yourself to your inner knowing and sharp business sense, your efforts will pay great rewards.

In the springtime, you will feel the urge to travel and connect with other cultures to help expand and enlighten your point of view, broadening your spiritual and intellectual values. Come summer, you may feel a bit introspective and choose to withdraw in order explore the subtle emotions and mystical depths of your being.
Work in a mode of love and understanding of humanity, and in service to the life of the planet.

Prosperity is yours as you awaken to what is already inside of you. When you direct your emotions in a positive way, your fears will be released, allowing you to manifest what you want. The more you tap into universal knowledge, the more you are able to connect to your inherent power in a way you never dreamed possible. This is a time of great energy building, preparing you for the success coming in both your public and professional life. In your highest manifestation, your energy is invested in satisfying collective needs for the betterment of society. those whod a same zodiac sign with me...tiZ is our year to build up our life to d fullest b4 everything is too late!!!come guyz!!!yeah!!!

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