Tuesday, August 18, 2009


My Dream Wedding!!!???!!!

How old are you?

~ err...i think sumer taw ryte???

Are you single?
~ to b in relationship with sumone!!!

At what age do you think you’ll get married?
- Insyaallah.. afta both of us btol2 ready (now still mengenali ati n budi..shews!!)

Do you think you’ll be marrying the person you are with now?
~ Insyaallah ...GOD's  power

If not, who do you want to marry?
~ a guy who really can accept myself seadanya

Who will be your bridesmaid or your bestman?
~err..dunno yet...

Do you want a garden/ beach or traditional wedding?

~dark brown with gold n silver...on my reception larr..him dunno LOLx!!!

Where do you plan to go for honeymoon?
~Mauritus (my dream actly..dd dunno lorr)

How many guest do you think you’ll invite?
~people who noe me n my fmly (kire abis keturunan lew)

Will that include your exes?
~ we juz a fren ryte???

How many layers of cake do you want?

~ i think pulut kuning should b ok kot...enough la..

When do you want to get married? Morning or evening?
~kalu kat rumah nk siang
~kalu kat dewan or hotel, prefer malam

Name the song/tune you would like to play at your wedding?
~ Evergreen wedding songs

Do you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon/fork/ knife?
~ pakai tangan sudeyhh...

Champagne or wine?
~ syrup enough lorr...

Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding? idea

Money or household items?
~both can uh???

How many kids would you like to have?
~4 ok xdear???

Will your record your honeymoon in DVD and CD?

~Aiyoooo..boleyh kot yang xterlampau...ahaks!!!

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