Monday, January 17, 2011

✿MEET my bestie-AYAN✿

..hey all..
..nuttin much..
..just a simple update while waiting for my mushuk.. V6 masuk ward sbb....hehehehe saje kasi die schanteq ciket..

..umm last weekend 2 ari berturut2 kami tgk wayang..

[pic ni je smpat amek]
..saturday - season of d witch!!.. hero - nicholas cage..

..d next day..

..early in d mownink!!! shower my ride!!!..
..then noon!! lepaking with my mushuk n my bestie!!! Ayan!!

[mereka seronok mengenakan saye!!]
..ptg - Khurafat!!!..
[boleyh la cete ni but kene paham betol2]

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