Thursday, September 29, 2011


..hey all..
..I know there has been a lack of posts lately..
..sumtime i wonder that anyone cares or notice or ermmm wutever..
..monthly report submission has juz ended like finally.., see u monthly report next month..
..owh wait!!!..
..october just around d corner like one more day to go..
..its ok..
..just chill n live ur life to d fullest diLLa!!..
..owh guys..
..if im not mistaken..
..yesterday is d last day of SYAWAL..
..n im still do not share my story of syawal ..
..there is nothing interesting to share with you guys..
..we just had a simple celebrating of raya.. u known..
..after my dad n my opah passed away, there's no special lemang bakar,tempik2 from my dad..
..n my raya turn to~ wut should i call it??..
..naaaah!! forget it!!.. here sum of my raya picx.. in peace APAK..

..ayah chu's house..

..wancik's house..

..our bermaafan session..
..and after bermaafan session people non-stop comes for beraya..
..damn tired!!..
..jalan-jalan raya session n attending open house will update on my next post..

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