Friday, January 18, 2013


Booohooo!! YeaaaHaaaa...
Hey All, im back after 390 days!!! Fuh, Rekod terbaik sepanjang 5 tahun blogging. Im was thinkin about deleting my blog especially during my bz + lazy time after get engaged with my boffy (time tuh tgh Bf lagi la kann) plus preparing for my BIG day (giler tak busy smpai 2 kali posponed tarikh)

Ditambahkan pulak "how d past brought me here" lebih menguatkan lagi why Dilla started blogging in d first place. Then i've decided to kept this blog & continue with d latest story + petua mak esah + ape saje. Further more Dilla promise to blog/update atleast once a week.

Trust me, b4 this hati mmg meronta-ronta nak blogging especially bile   Dilla rase kalu nak post status kat FB terlampau panjang berjela & mesti frenlist yang bece akan menyumpah-nyumpah "wei, ko ingat wall ni utk cerpen ko ker?"

Tapi...tetap tak update kan?? Silly Milly Dilla.

I don't care if nobody read my blog or no followers, I blog for myself. I blog to express my feeling, to share my experiences. So, for those yang selalu/rajin drop by, thank you so much.

Next post Dilla share photo bertunang + BIG day ok!!
Till later..Bye