Thursday, February 21, 2013

Food Log 1.0

Hey all..
Ingat lagi tak Dilla ade cakap pasal nk post pasal #foodlog which is nak share some of tempat makan / menu yang best & berbaloi? Ok, untuk julung-julung kalinye Dilla nak share tempat makan yg first time Dilla bawak enHusband datang makan but Dilla selalo da makan kat sini dulu time bersama Arisan (missingthemsomuch).

So, here we go!Cosy Place, wangsa maju. Maybe ade yang pernah pergi & selalo pergi since tempat die senang cari, senang parking, harge food average & tempat die mmg 'Cosy' sangat!

click untuk tumbesaran gambar ok

Ini antare menu yang kitorang makan. Disebabkan datang berdua jer so tak boleh la nak order bnyk-bnyk sebab takot nnt lipas makan. Dilla order YongChao Fried Rice (rm7.80) + Deep Fried Chicken with Salted Egg (rm20 & bnyk sangat, boleh makan untuk 3-4 orang) & enHusband order Plain rice (rm2.00) +  Baked Crab (rm9.80) + Ice Lemon Tea (rm4.90). Actually Dilla mmg da lame sangat rindu dgn Deep Fried Chicken with Salted Egg ni!! Must have menu every time datang sini. U guys patot try kalau datang sini!

click untuk tumbesaran gambar ok

Total for 2 person rm49.60 (including service charge). Actually, they got many choices of food but for this visiting I think its enough for us. Maybe some other time i can bring my friend and boleh order macam-macam so we can taste masing-masing punye sikit-sikit kan.

Siape nak try boleh cari di alamat No.27-29, Jalan Wangsa Delima 2A, K.L. Suburban Centre III, Section 5, Wangsa Maju, Kuala Lumpur, (signage die dekat dengan KFC & PIZZA hut wangsa maju yang besar tuh. Betul-betul seberang die & belakang NZ lame) 

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